The Farnesian Polyphonic Choir is the realization of a brilliant didactic intuition that springs from the “Cantar leggendo” methodology of Roberto Goitre, the founder of the Choir. From the outset it focuses on children, who represent the ideal breeding ground for choir experimentation as well as a future image of the choir itself. The first nucleus is in fact composed of about fifty white voices that in 1976 begin the first literacy courses with the mobile do system. After only two years, with the same educational premises, a group of thirty adults begins, which in a short time is able to perform concerts and participate in choral reviews. After the death of the founder-director in 1980, the direction was taken by Mario Pigazzini, a pupil of the master Goitre, who further developed the choral team by introducing in 1984 the first nucleus of the youth choir, a unique reality in that it can be accessed only those who were part of the white voices.